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  "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I'm Sam, and I'll be your DJ tonight. Let's get started with a nice slow dance for the bride and groom. Congratulations to the lovely couple." Applause rippled through the crowd as Luke pulled April into his arms and swung her around, holding her close as they swayed to the music.

  Brynn reached for a water glass on the table, gulping down half the liquid before setting it down. Hot. She was hot, and not because the best man was nibbling at her neck from behind. Sam was here too? Suddenly his earlier comment made sense. A man of many talents indeed.

  She scanned the area at the back of the room, finally spotting him on a raised platform in the back corner. Unable to see his face, she wondered what he was thinking as he stood there, watching her with another man. The song segued into a slightly faster beat, and she decided she may as well find out. Glancing over her shoulder, she smiled at the best man.

  "I'm Brynn," she said, holding out her hand to shake his. "What's your name?"

  "Patrick." He took her hand, raising it to his lips and lightly kissing her fingers.

  She smiled, charmed by the gesture. "Nice to meet you, Patrick. Would you like to dance?"

  He stood, helping her up with a grin. "It's not my first choice, but it'll do for now." His husky voice held a sensual promise, but Brynn was dismayed to find her gaze wandering back to Sam. She had to stop this...obsession now, before she really did turn into one of those clingy women men ran from. Stepping onto the dance floor, she forced herself into the circle of Patrick's arms, smiling up at him like he was the only man on earth. His hips ground against hers as they swayed, his erection brushing her pelvis with every other movement. She felt flushed as she ran her hands over his broad chest, her dress suddenly too confining. She'd left her panties in the bathroom garbage - they'd been too wet to wear after her encounter with Sam, and moisture slicked her thighs as Patrick caressed her ass with one hand and traced a finger over the swell of her breast with the other. All the while, Sam's stare burned into her back, almost as if he were right behind her.

  Then Patrick pulled his lips away from her neck, his eyes fixed on something over her shoulder. She turned in his arms, her butt cradling Patrick's hard cock as she looked into Sam's gorgeous eyes.

  Chapter 6

  "Having fun, sweetheart?" Sam winked, an amused expression on his face as he stood watching, hands tucked casually in his pockets.

  Brynn grabbed Patrick's hands when he started to back away, pulling him tight against her back and pressing his fingers just under her breasts. She nodded, her pulse racing in anticipation of...something. "Best wedding reception ever," she said, her hips still moving slightly to the music. "Are you having fun?"

  He gave a slight laugh. "More than you know. Who's your friend?" Confidence rolled off him in waves, and Brynn shook her head. He really wasn't jealous. How did guys do that?"

  "This is Patrick," she said, glancing over her shoulder, briefly. "He's the best man."

  Sam held out his hand, his knuckles brushing her breast as he grasped Patrick's. "So it appears," he quipped, not stepping back like she thought he would. "The thing is..." he reached out to touch her neck, one finger running just down the side and over her shoulder. "I wonder if one man will be enough, even at his best."

  "I was wondering the same thing," Patrick murmured in her ear, his hot breath sending shivers down her spine. Her knees nearly buckled as Sam took a step forward, brushing a hair from her face.

  "Brynn?" April's voice barely broke through the sensual haze the two men had wrapped her in. "Oh my god, Brynn. I need to talk to you. Right. Now."

  The fog began to dissipate as she found herself tugged out of Patrick's grasp, out from between the two men who were clearly planning to rock her world. Together. She stumbled up the basement stairs after her best friend, glad she'd ditched the heels until the reached the front door and April pulled her out into the frigid night air.

  "What the hell?" she said, the cold air hitting her lungs hard. She yanked her wrist free and turned back, swinging the door open wide as she reentered the church lobby. April followed, breathing hard and staring at Brynn with narrowed eyes.

  "Do you have any idea how many people were staring at you? My parents think Patrick must have drugged you! " She paced in front of the stairwell, her hands moving fast as she lectured. "You're always the good one. Of all the people I thought would ruin my reception, the last person I expected was you. What on earth has gotten into you, Brynn?"

  Sex. Brynn couldn't stop her lips from turning up at the thought, earning an exasperated gesture from the bride as she took a seat on the steps leading up to the sanctuary. Then it occurred to her that April might have some experience with the position she'd nearly found herself in. "Have you ever slept with two men?"

  "You did not seriously just ask me that on my wedding night."

  Brynn shrugged. "If any of my friends would know, it would be you." For a moment April seemed to consider answering, and then she shook her head, as if shaking out any stray memories.

  "I can't do this. Not tonight. I thought you would understand. I thought maybe just having you here would keep me from...doing the crazy stuff I always do." She looked down at Brynn, her eyes pleading. "What happened to the old Brynn? Why are you being like this?"

  "You mean being like you?" Brynn couldn't resist the jab, but immediately wished she could take it back. "I'm sorry, I just...I never knew sex would make me have all these feelings and urges--"

  "Whoa." April flopped down on the step beside her, folding what she could of her train in her lap. "Back up there. What do you mean, you never knew? You can't tell me you were a vir--"

  "Yes, I was a virgin until a week ago. No one ever believes me, but now you know." Brynn looked down at her hands, the familiar unease creeping into her brain. "Even Sam didn't believe me, and who could blame him? It was stupid to put it off so long." She stood, wandering to the door and peering out into the night. "I guess I did sort of go a little crazy, huh? But Sam is so...and Patrick..." She turned to look at April, who was nodding her head. "You do know what I mean then."

  The bride sighed. "I do. I just wish you wouldn't have picked my reception to explore your new needs."

  Footsteps on the stairs caught Brynn's attention, and she wasn't sure if she was relieved or not to see Patrick ascending, Sam following close behind.

  "We wanted to apologize," Patrick said as the two men stood in front of Brynn and April. Brynn's cheeks heated, the urge to run and hide from both of them strong. "We're sorry for any trouble we caused. Will you forgive us?"

  April shrugged, getting up from the stairs. "It's okay, I guess. Brynn explained and while I'm still not happy, I suppose there's no real harm done. more, okay? I think it would be best if you all left." She winked at Brynn. "I suspect that's what you want to do anyway, right?"

  Brynn stood, her body on fire at the smug grins worn by Sam and Patrick. Had she really been considering sleeping with both of them? How had it all gotten so out of hand? "Actually, you're right. I've had enough fun for one night. I think I'll head home." She glanced at the men, who turned to follow her as she walked past them toward the basement steps to retrieve her shoes and coat. "Alone."

  * * *

  Half an hour later, Brynn unlocked her door and hung her purse on its hook. She slid her feet into her slippers and padded back toward the bedroom. A hot bath and her vibrator might help take the remaining edge off the night. She unzipped her dress, letting it fall to the floor, then removed the plain tube bra, her fingers skimming the duct tape Sam had covered her nipples with. Walking to the mirror, she cupped a breast in each hand, the sight of those gray crosses sending more moisture slicking between her naked thighs. Her head tilted, regarding the curly bush that covered her mound. Maybe she should shave it? She lowered one hand, her fingers moving gently over her clit as she watched, imagining what it would look like hairless. Maybe she'd try that next. Her eyes went back up as she continued to finger herself.<
br />
  The doorbell rang. Brynn jumped, her pulse racing as her hands fell to her sides. Who could it be at this hour? Maybe she just wouldn't answer...

  Two knocks were followed by another ring, and she sighed, reaching for her fuzzy bathrobe. Belting it tightly at her waist, she went to the door and checked the peephole. Sam stood on the other side, his expression serious. She opened the door.

  "What's wrong?" she asked, standing back to let him enter. He waited until she closed and locked the door before walking down the hall to the living room. She followed, frowning as he took a seat on her sofa, patting the spot beside him. She sat sideways, adjusting her robe to cover her leg and leaned forward. "Sam, what is it? What's wrong?"

  He shook his head, bracing one arm beside her on the back of the couch. "It's not really wrong, I just...I think I made a mistake. And I'm hoping you can help me fix it." He looked into her eyes, his gaze intense. "I need you to be honest with me. Why did you come on to the best man?" Brynn frowned, opening her mouth, but he put three fingers against her lips to stop her. "Was it because I wasn't enough for you? Because you wanted to explore? Or were you maybe, possibly trying to make me jealous?"

  She shook her head and stood to walk away, but a strong arm caught her around the waist and pulled her backwards. She fell onto Sam's lap, his erection pressing into her butt as he held her in place with both arms. "What are you doing? Let me go!" She struggled, but they both knew it was just a token. When she stilled, Sam leaned down, placing a gentle, chaste kiss on her lips.

  "I think you wanted to make me jealous." She shook her head again, but he just smiled. "You were trying to see what I'd do seeing you with another man, and it kind of got out of control, didn't it?"

  She thought about arguing, but he was so close to the truth, she simply lowered her eyes to his chest, absently playing with one of his shirt buttons. Maybe if she told him, he could help her figure things out. "I...I kept thinking about you, but I didn't want to be clingy. I didn't want to be that girl. So I thought maybe if I slept with someone else...and then you were there..." she stopped, not sure what else to say. It sounded so stupid. She should have kept her mouth shut.

  "Brynn. Look at me."

  She lifted her head, slowly. He smiled, a reassuring gesture that sent tingles down the back of her neck. "I guess that's pretty stupid, huh? Like I'm some silly high-school kid, instead of a grown woman."

  "I've been thinking about you too, you know." The words wrapped around her like soft velvet, soothing her fears. "I'm sorry I made you feel like I didn't want to see you again because you--because I was your first. I do, very much want to see you again." He traced a finger from her neck down the inside of her collar, his touch fire against her skin.

  "Really?" She cringed, looking down as soon as the word was out. Could she sound any more needy?

  He chuckled, that deep voice vibrating through her body and down between her legs. "Really. I mean, if you want to experiment with two guys sometime, that's okay too, but I'd like to explore just us for now, if that's okay with you."

  She half-laughed, half-sobbed, leaning into his chest and pressing her face against his neck. "I'd really like that," she said, her hand caressing his chest through his shirt. "Thank you," she whispered, pressing a soft kiss to his jaw. One of his hands slipped inside her robe, cupping a breast. He laughed, his fingers tracing the tape he'd put on earlier.

  "I think we can probably take these off now, don't you think?"

  Brynn nodded, pulling back to look in to those bright, sexy green eyes. "I was just waiting for you."


  About the Author

  Trinity Marlow is the erotica pen name of romantic suspense author Jamie DeBree. Born in Billings Montana, she resides there with her husband and two over-sized lap dogs. For a free serial draft of the next Naughty Encounters story, please visit or